Motoca App
20 USD
/12 months
- R$100,00 Plano Premium
- Venda Exclusiva Para Brasileiros
- 8 Meses De Garantia
- Assinatura Pode Chegar A Durar 12 Meses
Application for making animated GIFs
- Open Features (Buy Then Cancel)
- لا اعلانات
- تجميد الحياة
- نقود لا محدودة
- تجميد مؤقتات الألعاب الصغيرة
Free store!
Click Buy then Cancel
- High Score
- God Mode
- Free Shopping
- Infinite Coins
- Coin Magnet Enabled
- Increased Magnet Range
- All Items Owned
- All Gadgets Unlocked
- Free store
- Click buy for ads
(Press buy then cancel)
- Completely free store
(Click on buy and then cancel)
A special application for YouTube in Safari to add some features.
(It is activated in the accessories in the settings).
- A paid application in the Apple Store.
- ADS Ticket
- Gems
- Gold
- Energy
- Silver Coins Merge Weapons
- Summon Coins
- Heroic Water Hero Up
- Meteor Essence Gear Refining
- Talent Book +2
- Core Evo Stone Pet Evo Up
- Fish Hook Obtain Gear During A Voyage
- Pickaxe Mine
- Blueprint Outfit Equip UP
- Fragment Gear Up
- Fragment Pet UP
- Dungeon Keys +3
- Spin
- Enemy Status HP ATK 0 Easy Kill
- DMG Outfit Just Equip & Unequip
- HP Outfit Just Equip & Unequip
- Currency Freeze
- Score Win All Match
- Ads Reward
An application for designing wallpapers for Apple Watch
- Full features
(Press buy and then cancel)
Special application for drawing
- Unlocked features
(Click buy then cancel)
Melhor que o app Remini
A simple application for written and video chat
Added the possibility of deleting the blocked account
Activation method:
Hang two fingers on the screen for 10 seconds
Click on delete the account.
Specialized in providing virtual numbers from different countries (American, British, and others), you can use them to activate applications such as Telegram and WhatsApp easily
- Speed up ads
Supplies won’t decreased
No recruiting cooldown
- Unlimited Cash -> Will increase instead of decrease
- Unlimited Energy -> Will increase instead of decrease
- No Ads
- Im steady
- Infinal gear
To write personal notes and lock them from intruders
- Unlocked features (buy and cancel)
Completely free store
(Buy and then cancel)
To write notes
- Unlocked features (buy then cancel)
Application for video cutting and montage
- Open Features (Buy Then Cancel)
Dreamdale v1.0.56
- Freeze resources!
- Infinite resources storages!
- Infinite resources from inventory on sell!
- Always Golden resource!
- No TownHall Upgrade cost!
- Enemy AI don't attack!
- Enemy AI don't follow the player!
- Enemy AI don't run away!
- No Fog Of War in arena!
- VIP Enabled!
- MINER VIP Enabled!
- Instant catch fish!
- Instant sheep wool grow!
- PVE XP Multiplicator
- Island XP Multiplicator for tool upgrades!
Convert images and documents to PDF
- Unlimited features (buy then cancel)
Application for the sound industry
- Open Features (Buy Then Cancel)
To edit photos and add filters
- Open Features (Buy Then Cancel)
Special application for students to create documents and worksheets
- Unlimited features (buy then cancel)
- Unlimited Coins -> Earn or spend some.
- Unlimited Keys -> Earn or spend some.
- Unlimited Revives - Earn or spend some.
- Unlimited Tokens -> Earn or spend some.
- All Boards Unlocked
- All Surfers Unlocked
- Max Level -> Earn some XP.
- God Mode
- Unlimited Score
- Unlimited Jumps
An application to view and watch movies
And series for the most famous global platforms
(Netflix, AppleTV+, Amazon
Prime, Hulu, Disney+, HBO)
Without advertisements
Support for translation and presentation in Arabic.
It is a video editing application on smartphones that allows users to integrate videos and photos and add visual effects and music to easily create professional videos.
- A paid copy in the Apple Store.
- Free Store (not Free iAP)
- iGameGod Added
Para iPad somente, versão beta/ Versão PAGA.
Com propaganda
Watusi versão paga
Features Unlocked
Note : First install the app from the Appstore then go to device settings >> Phone >> Caller Blocking & Idientification Then enable features
then delete the app and download the Hacked app from the Store
Hack Features :
- Unlimited Energy
- Always Free Rewind
Injected With Babylon Cheats
Features :-
_ Free Store ( Press buy then cancel )
Activate Hack From the menu
المميزات :
* الفوز التلقائي
* القدرة على التحمل غير محدود
لعبه Zombie Towers مهكره
المميزات :
* بدون اعلانات
* عملات لانهائيه
* ذخيرة لانهائية
* تجميد جدار HP
Decompress compressed files
- Unlocked features (buy then cancel)
* ذهب غير محدود
[ انتقل إلى الإعدادات وقم بتبديل زر المؤثرات الصوتية ]
* جواهر غير محدودة
[ توجه إلى الإعدادات وقم بتبديل زر BGM ]
* نقود لا محدودة 💰
* الماس غير محدود 💎
* طاقة غير محدودة ⚡️
* طاقة متجددة 🔋
* أضف الذهب ⚱️
[ الإعدادات -> اضغط على الاتصال بالدعم ]
* إضافة الأحجار الكريمة 💎
[ الإعدادات -> اضغط على الصوت ]
* فتح جميع الأبطال 🦸
[ الإعدادات -> اضغط على الموسيقى ]
* فتح جميع العناصر 🔛
[ الإعدادات -> اضغط على "الاهتزاز" ]
To extract the writing from the pictures
- Open Features (Buy Then Cancel)
No ads.
لعبة مدفوعه في ابل ستور ✅
- ذهب غير محدود
- جوهر غير محدود
To convert audio formats
- Open Features (Buy Then Cancel)
To write texts and add them to photos
In a professional manner.
Open Features
(Click Buy and then Cancel)
Damage Multiplier
- Defense Multiplier
- Currencies Multiplier
- Freeze Currencies
- Freeze Picks
- Freeze Runics
- Freeze Enderpearls
- Freeze Artifact Dust
- Infinite Blocks/Runics
- Free IAP Premium Only
Video player application
Without advertisements.
Adjust your personal photos for identity cards
And remove the background of it
- Open Features (Buy Then Cancel)
Um aplicativo foi adicionado
Lightroom iPad na loja ✅
Recursos do aplicativo ✅
Versão do aplicativo
Aplicativo Lightroom para iPad
Para editar imagens e adicionar belos efeitos, especialmente para dispositivos iPad
Com todos os benefícios.
He is your personal assistant, the notes are supported
Artificial intelligence supports GPT4
Open Features
(Buy and then cancel).
- Multiply Attack
- Multiply Defense
- God Mode
- Freeze Boosters
- Free Subscription?
+ 10% EXP
+ 50% Cash / Gold
•Estabilidade da arma
•Ibot 70 metros
•Remoção de grama
•Remover neblina
Siga as instruções ao abrir o jogo pela primeira vez!
- Multiply Attack
- Multiply Defense
- Freeze Currencies
NOTE: Do not abuse or buy ViP for just this cheat
لعبه Gridpunk
المميزات :
* تجميد العملات 🪙
* كبار الشخصيات 🎅
لعبه Army Tycoon
اخر اصدار : v0.17.3
المميزات :
• نقود غير محدودة [ أنفق / تكسب ]💲
• ذهب غير محدود [ أنفق / تكسب ] 🟡
- Download videos in multiple quality.
- Download the audio.
- Download Shorts
- Remove all ads of all kinds.
- Operation in the background.
- Copying texts (description, title, publications, comments).
- Supports login
And a lot inside the tool settings.
لعبه Sausage Man مهكره
المميزات :
* لايوجد ارتداد
* لااهتزاز
* المشي على الماء
* والمزيد من المميزات
Aplicativo Alook
Pago na AppStore
Ele foi crackeado em sua última versão 20.0
Conversor de arquivos
Versão mais recente 16.2.4
Os recursos do aplicativo foram totalmente desbloqueados
Para ativar, clique em {Comprar}.
A faculdade de medicina pode ser desafiadora, com tanto para aprender em tão pouco tempo. MedSchool é um manual clínico moderno que ajuda a otimizar seu aprendizado, para que você possa se sentir confiante e capaz.
A MedSchool fornece informações atualizadas baseadas em evidências, fornecendo informações clínicas de alta qualidade em um formato portátil. Baixe o aplicativo agora e comece a aprender medicina do seu jeito!
• Guias: pratique o histórico-chave, exame, habilidades de diagnóstico e procedimento.
• Enciclopédia: apronde-se em sintomas, sinais, achados de testes, drogas e doenças.
• Questionários: responda às nossas perguntas ou crie seu próprio banco de perguntas.
• Flashcards: faça seu próprio deck de flashcard e otimize a recuperação de informações importantes.
• Ferramentas: encontre respostas rapidamente usando calculadoras clínicas e listas de verificação.
- Auto Win
Energy does not decrease
لعبه Guardian War مهكره
المميزات :
* بدون اعلانات 📣
* دورات غير محدودة ♾
* تجاوز البرنامج التعليمي 📖
- God Mode
- No Spread
- Instant Max Ammo (Collect)
- Better Aim
- No Reload
Uma loja totalmente gratuita 💵
Pressione comprar e depois cancelar ✅
لعبه Forza Customs مهكره
المميزات :
* عملات غير محدودة
* حياة غير محدودة ( أنفق البعض )
افضل تطبيق ل الطقس ب ادق التوقعات
المميزات :
* تطبيق مدفوع بالابستور 💵
.* تنبيه : يتطلب iOS 16.0 أو أحدث
لعبه Planet Smash
المميزات :
• بدون اعلانات📣
• تجميد العملات المعدنية🪙
• تجميد الأحجار الكريمة💎
• تجميد قطع البناء🧱
• قنابل غير محدودة💣
- Unlimited Money
- Unlimited Stars
- Freeze Tokens
- Skip Ads Tokens
- No Ads
- Infinite Money
- Infinite Diamonds
- No Ads Reward
لعبه Offroad Outlaws مهكره
المميزات :
*مشتريات مجانيه مجاني 🆓
[ اضغط على إلغاء عند الشراء ]
لعبه No Way To Die مهكره
المميزات :
• طاقه متجددة 🔋
• متانة غير محدودة ✅
• لا توجد تكلفة للطاقة ⚡️
[ تكلف 0 طاقة للسفر حول الخريطة ]
• سبليت هاك ✅
[ تقسيم العناصر للحصول عليها ]
• مستوى الحد الأقصى ☑️
[كسب بعض إكس بي للحصول على مستوى الحد الأقصى]
• مشتريات مجانية داخل التطبيق 🆓
[ يسمح بالمشتريات المجانية داخل التطبيق ]
Here's the map
. Shooting in the water
Ocultar mensagens de leitura
- Ocultar o ponteiro de escrita em particular.
- Escondendo-se assistindo a história
- Salve fotos e vídeos da história.
Pixelcut's photo editor and graphic designer helps you create stunning images in seconds. And a comprehensive editor that uses artificial intelligence to help you create images, edit them and remove backgrounds.
- All features are open
(Enter the subscription and click Restore Subscription)
Aplicativo PDF Mpjex
Ele foi quebrado com sua versão mais recente 1.1.6
E desbloquear com sucesso seus recursos✔️
Método de ativação:
{{Compra - Cancelar}}
Papéis de parede de jogos
Versão mais recente 2.1
Sobre o programa: O aplicativo oferece papéis de parede para jogos, filmes e papéis de parede animados em alta resolução
Os recursos do aplicativo foram totalmente desbloqueados ✔️
(Compra - Cancelar)
Compact with Babylon Cheats Engine
- Free store (click buy and then cancel)
He did the hack from the menu.
* عملات غير محدودة 🪙
To download backgrounds in high quality
- Open Features
* تحركات غير محدودة 🤸🏻♀️ [ لن تنخفض ]
* نقاط غير محدودة 💠 اكسب بعضًا
* Moedas ilimitadas 🪙
* Pacotes ilimitados 📦
* Códigos ilimitados ♾
Ative os recursos: [ Gaste um pouco / para ganhar um pouco ]
Moedas ilimitadas
• Todos os carros são gratuitos
•Todos os desenvolvimentos são gratuitos
Para ativar o hack:
1- Abra o jogo
2- Pule o treinamento
3- Aguarde até entrar no saguão e pressione o menu
4- Divirta-se!
مدفوع في ابل ستور قيمته 220 ريال
تطبيق لتحميل الخرائط
واستخدامه بدون انترنت ✔️
التطبيق يعمل بدون مشاكل
جلبريك وبدون جلبريك ✔️
Jogo Mineiro Zumbi
- Moedas ilimitadas
- Gemas ilimitadas
alerta :
"Compre e cancele"
To change sounds and modify them with artificial intelligence
- With all the features
- Unlimited money
- Unlimited gold
- Unlimited number of grenades
- Unlimited number of medicines
- Ammunition is unlimited
YouTube Killer
Compact with Babylon Cheats Engine
- Free store (click buy and then cancel)
He did the hack from the menu.
Compact with Babylon Cheats Engine
- Free store (click buy and then cancel)
He did the hack from the menu.
Compact with Babylon Cheats Engine
- Free store (click buy and then cancel)
He did the hack from the menu.
- Instant Skill
- No Assistant Cooldown
- No Swap Cooldown
- No Special Cooldown
- Hero Level 60
- Infinite Buff Time / God Mode
- Freeze Enemies
- Infinite HP / God Mode
- Attack Multiplier
- Defense Multiplier
- Cooldow
•Estabilidade da arma
•Ibot 70 metros
•Remoção de grama
•Remover neblina
Siga as instruções ao abrir o jogo pela primeira vez!
* Dinheiro ilimitado (aceitação de cuidados)
* Vitória automática
-Telegram modificado com propriedades adicionadas, como tradução simultânea
Se o aplicativo fechar após instalar, só reabrir
- Esta é uma versão aberta com recursos e não uma conta Premium ❌
O aplicativo foi atualizado
Veed Legendas ✅
Recursos da nova atualização ✅
Adicione textos a vídeos, pôsteres, logotipo e legendas.
Recursos completos.
- WhatsApp WA Aproveite
novo aplicativo: (v.24.25.93)
•Salvar mídia temporária
•Baixar casos
•Desativar status de visualização
• Bloquear a lista de conversas
• Bloquear o arquivo
•Congelar última aparição
•Ocultar leitores de mensagens
•Manter mensagens excluídas
Ocultar a captura de tela
•Ocultar os botões de chamada
•Mostrar confirmação ao ligar
- WA Business WA Aproveite
novo aplicativo: (v.24.25.90)
•Salvar mídia temporária
•Baixar casos
•Desativar status de visualização
• Bloquear a lista de conversas
• Bloquear o arquivo
•Congelar última aparição
•Ocultar leitores de mensagens
•Manter mensagens excluídas
Ocultar a captura de tela
•Ocultar os botões de chamada
•Mostrar confirmação ao ligar
- AttackSpeed Multiplier
- Dumb Enemies
- ADS NO Rewards Free
- Avatar Unlocked
- Frame Unlocked
- Gloves Unlocked
- All Gloves Free For Fight
- AI Stupid
- Always Win
- Give up Win Linked Always Win
Game Braking Cheat
- Damage Multiplier
- Free IAP
A professional photo and video editing application.
- Full features.
Press buy and then cancel
Lock the application from the background and then reopen it to open the features.
A simulated game to manage the pizza restaurant
A beautiful and fun game
Completely free store
Click buy and cancel.
Note : this game isn’t released yet & it is a testflight edition
Hack Features:-
- Unlimited Money ( Gain some or buy a car )
- All character stuff are purchased and unlocked regardless the price
- Free Breaks Parts
- Free Paint parts
- Every other parts costs are converted to Money instead of coins
Open Features
(Click buy and then cancel)
- Multiply Attack
- Multiply Defense
- God Mode
SAT Locket
- Activate Gold features.
- Change the location.
- Disable ads.
- Lock settings (developers mode).
- Lifting from the studio.
- Lock the application with face and password fingerprint.
لعبه Golf Battle مهكره
المميزات :
* التسديدات ⚾️
[ يمنع التسديدات من التسجيل وسيبقيها عند 0 لتحقيق فوز سهل إذا لم تدخل في الحفرة فستظل تحصل على درجة ركلة جزاء ]
* مسافة التسديدة ✅
* العشب 🌿
[ سوف تسجل دائما على العشب حتى في التضاريس الأخرى مثل الرمال ]
* تعطيل الذكاء الاصطناعي 🤖
To view and watch movies and series for the most famous international platforms
(Netflix, AppleTV+, Amazon
Prime, Hulu, Disney+, HBO)
Without ads
Supports Arabic translation.
- Download videos.
- Hide tweeting topics.
- Hide from the sequence.
- Disable sensitive tweet warnings.
- Disable voice tweets.
- Disable the video of the caption layer.
- Convert to a new design of DM messages.
- Upload photos with the highest quality.
- Open links in Safari.
- Disable ads.
- Hide follow-up suggestions.
- Confirm the admiration.
- Confirm follow-up.
- Confirm when sending a tweet.
- Copying account data.
- Hide the wiper bar.
- Translation of the CV.
- Lock the application with fingerprint or password.
Kill with one hit
The player does not die
Endless shield
Infinite bombs
Endless gear
He did the hack from the menu
Uploading videos and pictures of the snap
Without the camera album
Without advertisements
Choose to buy then cancel to activate the program.
Recursos de Hack:
- Dinheiro Ilimitado -> Aumentará em vez de diminuir.
- Energia Ilimitada -> Aumentará em vez de diminuir.
- Sem Anúncios
Recursos de Hack:
- Dinheiro Ilimitado
- Diamantes Ilimitados
- Save photos to your camera roll.
- Upload from camera roll.
- Change the location.
- Copy and paste joists and responses.
- Confirm the vote.
- Confirm responses.
- Incognito mode with screen capture.
- Open links.
- Night mode.
- Blurry images.
- Remove ads.
- Activate Jodel Plus features.
- Delete the account UUID to bypass the ban.
To watch sports and entertainment channels
Without ads
Gravação de chamadas
- Never Die
- Unlimited Durability
- Unlimited Items From Mail
- Freeze Skill Points
- Premium
- No Recoil
- No Spread
Um aplicativo para converter fotos em imagens 3D.
- Recursos abertos.
Aplicativo de e-mail completo
Todas as suas contas em um só lugar
⇜ Assinatura completa ativada ✔️
• Mostrar apenas jogadores reais, não robôs
• Munição ilimitada
• Um golpe mata
• Aumento da taxa de disparo
• Aumentar a assistência ao objetivo ✅
Método de ativação:
{{Compra - Cancelar}}
Após cada processo de login, você precisa adquirir o aplicativo novamente
-O aplicativo foi desenvolvido para aumentar a qualidade das imagens
-Design de imagem
E muitos recursos usando inteligência artificial
Aplicativo para edição de fotos e remoção de fundo
E adicionando e modificando o plano de fundo..
Todas as vantagens.
Um aplicativo para converter fotos em imagens 3D.
- Recursos abertos.
- Freeze Currency
- No Ads
تطبيق مطلوب للتصوير
الإحترافي صور وفيديو
[ مدفوع في الابستور ]
- Unlimited Cash
- Unlimited Diamonds
- Damage Multiplier
- Defence Multiplier
- Unlimited Coins -> Will not decrease.
- Unlimited Cash -> Will not decrease.
- Free In-App Purchases
Recursos do aplicativo ✅
Aplicativo de navegação de assinaturas iPTV
⇜ A assinatura é ativada automaticamente ✔️
⇜ Você precisa de uma assinatura iPTV do aplicativo ❗️
Versão do aplicativo
Entre em contato com o motoca para adquire a lista por R$ 35,00 por mês
DICA é um aplicativo infundido com a essência de câmeras digitais.
Oferece filtros inspirados em vídeos musicais de Kpop.
Transporte-se de volta aos anos 2000 e torne-se a estrela do seu próprio videoclipe :)
Filtro BGM Música Reprodução Automática
DOCE: Tom de Filme e Efeito de Câmera Digital
BUBBLE: Uma sensação refrescante e fresca perfeita para o verão.
HYPE: Cria uma atmosfera energética com cores vibrantes e tropicais.
IDEM: Evoca a vibração retrô de imagens filmadas em uma filmadora.
Complete seu estilo cheio de emoções com a DICA.
Hack Features :-
- Unlimited Moves
- Unlimited Hearts
Note : Complete Tutorial then Activate the Hack
*** Note: Conversations cannot be copied when deleted or downloaded. All previous conversations will be deleted ***
Notify contacts if they are online or offline
To follow the changes made by your contacts, such as changing the status or profile picture within WhatsApp
You will find an organized list with all the details
A tool to backup conversations via the Files app.
A tool to send long clips in conversations and groups
(Automatically enabled in all versions)
Change your location to a fake location within WhatsApp
Features of Watusi3
⁃ Hide online now.
⁃ Hide typing.
⁃ Hide last seen.
⁃ Hide voice note recording.
⁃ Hide message reading.
⁃ Block incoming calls.
⁃ Set an application password.
⁃ Set a password for conversations.
⁃ Status bar at the top of conversations.
⁃ Hide viewing status.
⁃ Save status to camera roll.
⁃ Keep deleted messages.
⁃ Keep deleted statuses.
⁃ Split long videos.
⁃ Disable automatic status transition.
⁃ Filter and sort conversations.
⁃ Pin more than 3 conversations.
⁃ Auto reply.
⁃ Hide conversations.
⁃ More in widget settings...
One of the best translation applications for translating text, audio, conversations and camera images.
You can easily translate into over 100 languages.
• Full features.
Log in within the app to activate the features.
Fortnite game
- Features:
- Deleted from the Apple Store
- Requires specific dues (in the certificate).
- View the area.
- Save videos without the watermark.
- Copy video data.
- Hide interface button.
- Skip the live broadcast.
- Increase the comment letters.
- Confirm like.
- Confirm follow-up.
- Do not mute videos.
- Cancel advertisements.
- High quality lifting.
- Account verification.
- Automatic playback of images.
- Open links.
- Copy user data.
- Find out if he is following you.
- Number of account videos.
- Change the country.
- Auto click.
• Download video
• Upload photos
• Download audio
• Video playback by AVPlayer
• Disable video repetition
• Copy the video link
• Copy the image link
• Copy the audio link
• Copy the description
• Disable ads
• Upload personal photo
• Copy user information
• Show the number of videos
• Increase the bayu characters
• Increase the characters of the comment
• Show the flag of the state
• Confirm the like
• Confirm the favorite
• Confirm the like of the comment
• Confirm follow-up
• Confirm sending a comment
- Unlimited Currencies -> Increase When Use
The best application to edit pictures and add many filters.
- Open features (press buy and then cancel).
To track the movement of stars and planets.
Open features
(Press buy and then cancel)
To learn languages with artificial intelligence
- Open features (press buy then cancel).
- Supports the ios16 version and is out.
To convert and edit images without background in png format
- In full features (click on buy).
Um aplicativo foi adicionado
instdown na loja ✅
Recursos do aplicativo ✅
Versão do aplicativo
O melhor aplicativo para baixar vídeos
Suportes (Insta, Facebook, YouTube e Twitter)
Não é necessário fazer login, basta copiar o link
- Sem anúncios
(Clique em comprar e depois em cancelar para remover anúncios)
Aplicativo de internet free de baixa velocidade para emergência com propagandas acelerada
The best application to learn all languages
- Open features
Log in to the app
An application to cut and edit videos
And upload it to social media platforms
- All features are open
Without the need to buy
Djay turns your iOS device into DJ
Fully integrated It integrates seamlessly
With your music library
- All features are open
A completely free store
- ( Press on buy and then cancel)
Translation of pictures and words written on the pictures.
- Open features
(Press buy then cancel)
- The first application in the world in teaching multiple languages around the world
Activated super mode (paid).
- Keeper on Drugs
- Stupid AI Defense - Sometimes works, sometimes doesn't.
An application to edit on photos with full features.
- Click Buy and then Cancel
Application for editing photos
Open Features
(Press a shrad and then cancel)
- Free Store (not Free iAP)
- Free iAP (ViP Only)
- Unlock Characters Outfit
- Custom Jump Height
- No Clip (To end level swipe to left til you get dizzy, swipe again and you will lose)
Royal Kingdom game is a game
• Unlimited currencies [will not decrease ]
• Unlimited Life [ Won't Go Down ]
• Unlimited boosters [ Won't go down ]
• Unlimited movements [will not decrease ]
- Godmode - The car will take visual damage.
- Dumb Opponents - Will cause all opponents and police to drive into the walls.
- No Traffic - Will disable all traffic cars from spawning in.
- No Cops - Will disable all cop cars from spawning in.
- Unlimited Nitro - Use some nitro to fill the whole nitro bar.
- Huge Rewards - For every drift, air time or close miss you perform, the score will be multiplied resulting in a huge cash prize.
- No Camera Shake - Will disable the camera from shaking when crashing.
YouTube Plus v5.1 is out!
- Added option to display mute button in player overlay
- Added option to display lock screen button in player overlay
- Added option to prefer stable volume when downloading media
- Added option to remove identifiers from sharing links
- Added option to download Shorts from the previews in feed
- Added option for embedding thumbnails into downloaded videos
- Added new tab support - Posts
- Added option to enable translucent tab bar
- Optimized tab bar for the new theme
- Added OLED dark keyboard
- Added progress bar theming: Solid color, Gradient color and Scrubber color selection
- Added option to remove Subscribe/Unsubscribe button under player
- Added options to remove Share, Thanks, Remix, Download, Clip, Save and Report buttons
- Added image viewer:
* Show full-size post in image viewer
* Show full-size profile picture in image viewer
* Show video thumbnail in image viewer
- Advanced Shorts elements settings is back:
* Added options to remove Subscriptions, Live, Trends and Shopping buttons in paused states
* Added options to remove Like, Dislike, Comment, Share and Remix buttons from actions bar
* Added options to remove Suggestions, Username, Description, Source, Audio indicator and Follow button
- Improved downloading functions
- Improved YouTube Plus player menu
- Improved caption selection, fixed issues with Captions button in overlay
- Improved settings section for the new theme
- Fixed random crashes in feed when SponsorBlock segments for feed enabled
- Fixed random crashes in shorts when legacy pip mode in YouPiP enabled
- Fixed crashes when tapping on Share
- Fixed option that removes "Play next in queue" option in the menu
- Fixed bug related to stopping playback if auto-stopping was selected
- Fixed a bug that caused the app to crash when attempting to download a video
- Fixed shorts interface issue
- Fixed missing SponsorBlock segments in player bar and in feed
- Fixed Save or Share video sheet's layout on iPads
- iPad mini-player style now brings back old mini-player
- iPhone mini-player style now brings back legacy iPhone mini-player
- More posts to hide
- Removed more ads
- Removed Old UI option since it broken completely
- Remove inline comment and Remove videos under player options moved to the player settings
- SponsorBlock enabled by default
- Special thanks section
- Now you can choose to not show Incompatible tweaks pop-up for the current version of YouTube Plus
- Added Korean localization support (Thanks to pshyomin)
- Added Polish localization support (Thanks to marcinmajsc)
Injected with Babylon Cheat Engine
Hack Features :-
- Free store ( pres buy then cancel )
activate Hack from the menu.
- Gems
- Gold
- Energy
- Battle Cost 0
- Play Any LvL
- HP Hit Enemy
- Auto Win Just One Hit
- Enemy Freeze
- Download videos and save them to your camera roll.
- Remove Twitter ads.
- Activate the voice note feature in private tweets.
- Activate the voice note feature with responses.
- Activate the Tip Jar feature (financial support).
- Undo the tweet after sending the tweet.
- Confirm like.
- Confirm tweet.
- Set a secret number for the application.
- Translation of bio.
- Not saving history for searching.
- Change the font inside Twitter.
- Automatically download images of the highest quality.
- Copy the bio, username, user page link, and account name.
- Hide top tweets on your timeline.
- Disable subtitles outside the video.
- Feature of the new format for searching in private.
- Disable liking by double clicking.
- The feature of disabling the alert that the tweet contains sensitive content
- Damage Multiplier
- Defense Multiplier
- Unlimited Currencies → Spend/Gain
- Application to create temporary fake emails
With all the features.
Spin A Spell v1.10.1
- Coins Unlimited Linked With - Steal & Attack
- Steal Rate
- Attack Rate
- Shield Rate
- Pet Unlock
- Pet Skin
[you need fire one bullet and reload to enable these features]
- Unlimited Ammo
- One-Shot Kill
- Increase Fire Rate
• جميع اللاعبين نوب
• اللعب بدون إصابات و اخطاء وتسلل
• فتح المجموعات المخصصة
• طاقة اللاعبين ثابته
• التبديل غير محدود
Beautiful application for drawing
- Open features (buy and then cancel from the one Time menu)
Designing videos with artificial intelligence.
- Open Features
(Buy and then cancel)
- Press music toggle for coins
- Press sounds toggle for cars
To download clips from YouTube and run clips in the background
- Open Features
(Click Buy and then Cancel)
-Custom Movement Speed
- Powerful Fast Kicks
- Unlimited Stamina
- Surprise Feature (just open card packs ;) )
- Free Lucky Shot
- Surprise Feature (will need feedback on how this works, but I think is once you get to the last prize turn which ever and should give you that prize slot).
- Infinite Silver
- Infinite Gold
- Infinite Ammo
- Infinite Grenade
- Instant Grenade
- No Reload
- Infinite Energy
- ViP Membership
- One Shot Kill
Premium version is open all features ✔️
To activate
Accident Simulator
Free store!
Press buy, then cancel
- Free Store (This is Not Free iAP)
Instagram Post Design
- Unlimited features (buy then cancel)
To write a resume with all the features.
For exercise and fitness
- Full features
To chat with artificial intelligence
- Full features
(Buy and then cancel)
To generate and edit images and add sounds
Using artificial intelligence
- Full features
To run more than one browser page at the same time
- With all the features
Threeds Instagram app
Upload photos and videos
Click on three points
Then click Download
To clean the duplicate photos in your device
With all the features
- Radar
- Infinite Gear
- No Weapon Vibration
- Shooting Without Effects
- No Weapon Reloading
- Rapid Fire
An infinite number of steps
Hack from the list
- Freeze Currencies!
- Currencies Multiplier!
- Custom tool Damage!
- Custom Destroy Speed!
- Custom Player Speed!
- Damage Multiplier
- Reward Multiplier
- Gold Multiplier
- EXP Multiplier
- Damage Multiplier
- Defense Multiplier
- Instant Win
- Unlock Everything
- Multiply Attack
- Multiply Defense
- Always Drop x5 Loot
- Freeze Currencies
- Have Enough Diamond
- Free IAP
An application to follow the weather
- Fully open all features
(Click on Buy, then Cancel)
- Unlimited Coins
- Unlimited Gems
-- No Ads
Compact with Babylon Cheats Engine
- Free store (click buy and then cancel)
He did the hack from the menu.
An infinite number of steps
Hack from the list
Your personal assistant and one of the best applications of artificial intelligence
Send questions in the form of pictures
Extract texts from images
Image generation
Translation of texts
Improved texts and many features
- Minimum version: iOS 15.0
- With all the features
- Exclusives
Generating sounds and changing them into celebrity voices using artificial intelligence.
- Open all features.
To watch foreign movies and series..
Without ads
- Multiply Attack
- Multiply Defense
- Freeze Currencies
- No Ads
- Multiply Attack
- Multiply Defense
- God Mode
- Auto Win
- Instant Destroy Things
- NoLevelRequireToDestroy
- OneHitKillEnemy
- Instant Craft Items
- Instant Upgrade Weapons
- Instant Upgrade Turrets
- Instant Building Upgrades/Construct
- Add Lots of Loot When Destroying Things
- Remove Annoying Ads
- Premium Pass Rewards Only
- Energy Unlimited Linked Premium Pass
- Plane Unlocked Tire 1 Tire 2
- Drone Unlocked Tire 1 Tire 2
- Stone Unlocked Tire 1 Tire 2
- Unlock Gem Cost 0 Plane Drone Stone
- Easy Kill Only SP - No PVP
- Win PvP Select Higher Rank Plane Drone Stone Easy To Win PvP NO Bannnn
- ADS NO [ Reward Fee ]
- Premium Active
- Energy Cost 0
- Energy Increaser
- Gold Unlimited [ Win Battle ] Rewards
- Stage Unlocked
- Chapter Unlocked +2
- Play Any [ Stage & Ch ]
- Never Die
- Speed Mov
- Bullet Max [ Works With Weapon Only Just Equip ]
- To watch sports channels and encrypted channels.
- Without annoying ads.
- Silent Aim
- Unlimited Ammo
- One Shot Kill
- No Recoil
- No Spread
You need to set the value in Fix Team text field to 1 or 2 to fix it for gang wars
An application for the rail industry with professionalism for TikTok and Instagram
- Fully open features.
Minimum version: iOS 15.0.
- Unlimited Currencies -> Earn or spend some.
- One-Hit Kill
- Unlimited Ammo -> Will not decrease.
- No Recoil
- No Sway
- Shoot Through Walls
- Score Multiplier
- Bullet Speed Multiplier
- Bullet Gravity Multiplier
- All Weapons Unlocked
- All Weapons Assembled
- No Skill Cooldown
Currencies Don't Decrease
- Unlimited Currencies
- God Mode
- One-Hit Kill
- Free store
- Without ads
Click Buy and then Cancel.
- Add Gold
- Add Keys
- Drop Weapons
- Drop Diamonds
- Drop Runes
- Drop Scroll
- Instant Win
- Recover HP
- Recover MP
*** Note: Chats cannot be copied when deleted or downloaded. All previous chats will be deleted ***
Change your location to a fake location within WhatsApp
Copy chats from within the Files app on iPhone
⁃ Hide who's online now.
⁃ Hide typing.
⁃ Hide last seen.
⁃ Hide voice note recording.
⁃ Hide message read.
⁃ Block incoming calls.
⁃ Set an app password.
⁃ Set a password for chats.
⁃ Status bar at the top of chats.
⁃ Hide viewed status.
⁃ Save status to camera roll.
⁃ Keep deleted messages.
⁃ Keep deleted statuses.
⁃ Split long videos.
⁃ Disable automatic status transition.
⁃ Filter and sort chats.
⁃ Pin more than 3 chats.
⁃ Auto reply.
⁃ Hide conversations.
⁃ More in widget settings...
*** Note: Conversations cannot be copied when deleted or downloaded. All previous conversations will be deleted ***
Notify contacts if they are online or offline
To follow the changes made by your contacts, such as changing the status or profile picture within WhatsApp
You will find an organized list with all the details
A tool to backup conversations via the Files app.
A tool to send long clips in conversations and groups
(Automatically enabled in all versions)
Change your location to a fake location within WhatsApp
Features of Watusi3
⁃ Hide online now.
⁃ Hide typing.
⁃ Hide last seen.
⁃ Hide voice note recording.
⁃ Hide message reading.
⁃ Block incoming calls.
⁃ Set an application password.
⁃ Set a password for conversations.
⁃ Status bar at the top of conversations.
⁃ Hide viewing status.
⁃ Save status to camera roll.
⁃ Keep deleted messages.
⁃ Keep deleted statuses.
⁃ Split long videos.
⁃ Disable automatic status transition.
⁃ Filter and sort conversations.
⁃ Pin more than 3 conversations.
⁃ Auto reply.
⁃ Hide conversations.
⁃ More in widget settings...
It is a smart application that uses artificial intelligence to design and organize rooms. It allows users to improve the space of the room by suggesting innovative layouts, choosing the perfect furniture, and adding custom decorative touches based on their preferences. The application aims to facilitate the process of designing interior spaces in a simple and effective way.
Full-featured open.
- Coins Unlimited [ LvL Rewards ]
- Stars Unlimited [ Win LvL Then Back Show Stars Hacked Disable Cheat Close App Again Open Then Work Stars Don't Use Again ] Linked With Some Task
- Ticket Free Max [ Linked With Stars ] LvL Cost
- Undo Max [ Linked With Stars ]
- Gold Card Max [ Linked With Stars ]
- Chapter Next [ Play LvL Quit & Win ]
- Avatar Unlocked [ Play LvL Win After Unlocked Don"t Use Again ]
- Auto Win LvL [ Play LvL Move Anything ]
- Bonus Mod LvL [ ON-OFF ]
- Spin Free [ Need One Point only Open Play LvL ]
- Unlimited Moves -> Will not decrease.
- Unlimited Free Gifts -> Head into the Shop to claim the free gift over & over.
- Season Pass Purchased
- Add Coins
- Add Energy
- Add Colour Bomb Boosters
- Add UFO Boosters
- Add Wildcards
- Add Undo's
- Add Extra Moves
- Add Free Entries
- Add Lollipops
- Add Streak Slot Booster
- Next Level
- Complete Postcard
- Add Stars To Leaderboard
- Add Album Card
- Complete Season Pass
- Add Digging Spoons
Head into Settings and toggle the ? button. Only enable 1 feature at a time.
To send files to any device
- Open Features
(Buy and then cancel)
- Download and save videos for the camera album.
- Play the clip in the background.
- The feature of an image in a picture (PiP).
- Remove annoying YouTube ads.
- Convert a video to an audio clip.
- Control the main interface of YouTube
(Hide and show the items in the bottom bar).
- Remove pop-up ads at the end of the videos.
And more in the tool settings.
Never Die
Unlimited Gold
Unlimited Diamonds
- Currency Max
- Energy Max
- LvL Rewards Gold
- Hero Status HP DMD DEF Luck Gold
- Enemy Status ATK HP DEF 0
- To generate images, logos and signatures using artificial intelligence.
Click buy and then cancel,
- To improve images with artificial intelligence.
Click Buy then Cancel
- Designing logos using artificial intelligence.
Click buy and then cancel
- To design the furniture of your room.
- Click Buy and then Cancel.
- Currency & Resources Unlimited [ Disable When Playing ]
- Unlimited Coins -> Earn or spend some.
- Unlimited Lives -> Use coins.
- Unlimited Stars -> Earn or spend some.
- Unlimited Boosters -> Earn or spend some.
- No Ads
- Unlimited Coins
- Unlimited Gems
- God Mode
- Unlimited Mana -> Will not decrease.
- Debug Menu -> Head over to Settings and toggle the Sound button.
- Freeze Currencies
- Unlimited Currencies -> Earn some. VIP
- God Mode -> Traps still cause damage.
- One-Hit Kill
- All Heroes Unlocked
- Auto Win VIP
- Battle Pass Unlocked VIP -- BROKEN
- God Mode
- Damage Multiplier
- No Skill Consumption -> Charge skill first.
SAT WhatsApp
- Backup tool.
- Background notification tool.
- Browse the files.
Disable Internet access.
-Hide connected now.
-Hide the message access indicator.
- Hiding the current writing.
- Hide the blue message reading pointer.
- Hide the pointer for recording an audio clip.
- Do not delete messages.
- Deletion notice.
- Unlimited time to delete messages.
-Confirm the connection.
- Hide the blue indicator for audio.
Block incoming calls.
- Unlimited case story.
- Loading cases.
Disable the automatic progression of the state.
-Hide that you saw the situation.
- Keep deleted cases.
Move the cases you saw down.
- Change of location.
- Confirm the sending of the posters.
- Increase the limit of message transfer.
-Show the keyboard.
Hiding interactions.
Unlimited collective lists.
- Skip the one-time display for audios.
- Options to open the offer.
- Allowing participation and redirection.
- Allowing the registration of the show for one time.
- Share messages button.
- Fake documentation.
-Hide a converted message tag.
- Allowing redirected messages.
-Save the profile icon.
-Continue to play voice messages.
A new conversation option.
- Disable the autoplay of notes.
- Disable horizontal position.
-Disable large addresses.
- Nightly mode keyboard.
Hide the picture in the conversation.
-Disable the photo library.
Disable the chat room.
Disable the camera icon.
Disable contacts.
- Disable location sharing.
-Disable file sharing.
-Disable the camera button.
-Disable the video button.
- Disable the call button.
Disable quick replies.
Hide the poll.
- Hide the catalog.
- Data consumption reduction mode.
- Increase the text of the case.
-Send a long video.
-Send a large video.
- Unlimited media.
- Unlimited files.
SAT WhatsApp Business
- Backup tool.
- Background notification tool.
- Browse the files.
Disable Internet access.
-Hide connected now.
-Hide the message access indicator.
- Hiding the current writing.
- Hide the blue message reading pointer.
- Hide the pointer for recording an audio clip.
- Do not delete messages.
- Deletion notice.
- Unlimited time to delete messages.
-Confirm the connection.
- Hide the blue indicator for audio.
Block incoming calls.
- Unlimited case story.
- Loading cases.
Disable the automatic progression of the state.
-Hide that you saw the situation.
- Keep deleted cases.
Move the cases you saw down.
- Change of location.
- Confirm the sending of the posters.
- Increase the limit of message transfer.
-Show the keyboard.
Hiding interactions.
Unlimited collective lists.
- Skip the one-time display for audios.
- Options to open the offer.
- Allowing participation and redirection.
- Allowing the registration of the show for one time.
- Share messages button.
- Fake documentation.
-Hide a converted message tag.
- Allowing redirected messages.
-Save the profile icon.
-Continue to play voice messages.
A new conversation option.
- Disable the autoplay of notes.
- Disable horizontal position.
-Disable large addresses.
- Nightly mode keyboard.
Hide the picture in the conversation.
-Disable the photo library.
Disable the chat room.
Disable the camera icon.
Disable contacts.
- Disable location sharing.
-Disable file sharing.
-Disable the camera button.
-Disable the video button.
- Disable the call button.
Disable quick replies.
Hide the poll.
- Hide the catalog.
- Data consumption reduction mode.
- Increase the text of the case.
-Send a long video.
-Send a large video.
- Unlimited media.
- Unlimited files.
- Save videos and photos.
- Save the videos of the reels.
- Save the story.
- Hide the user interface from Reals.
- Pip floating video
- Copy the description of the videos in Rels.
- Automatic operation of the rails.
- Disable the vision of the story.
- Watch the story button.
- Disable the autoplay of the story.
- The clock is in the story.
- View messages button.
- Disable writing.
- Disable the screenshot.
- Disable Home Page Ads.
- Disable Al-Stori ads.
- Disable Rails ads.
- Opening links in the story.
- Copy the comments.
- Hide the appearance in the live broadcast.
- Confirmation of admiration.
- Confirm follow-up.
- Copying account data.
- Does he follow me?
- Copy the description.
- Hide the cases section.
Remove annoying threads suggestions.
- Remove the explorer from the search.
- Remove the Rails section.
- Contact confirmation.
- Confirmation of sending audios.
- Confirming the publication of the comment.
- Confirm the theme.
- Confirmation of interactions.
- Lock the application with a face print.
- Hide the translation button.
- Share button at the top.
- Disable zoom in and zoom out.
- Black keyboard.
- Remove ads.
- Run in the background.
- Remove suggested videos.
- iPad style.
- Disable premium notifications.
- Replace Short with Explore tab.
- Automatic playback at full size.
- Activate developer mode.
- Disable autoplay.
-More concealment.
- Media download library.
- YouTube animated logo.
- Mini player.
- Expand operating speed.
- Old YouTube design.
- Old video quality.
- Replace the navigation buttons.
- Hide the navigation buttons.
- Skip the content warning message.
- Opening in 4K resolution.
- Confirm the broadcast.
- Prevent hints.
- Hide the top tab bar.
- High quality using 3G/4G/5G.
- Mini player for children.
- System sound indicator.
Aplicativo AudioTrimmer🎶
Ele foi crackeado com sua versão mais recente 1.0.57.
E desbloqueie seus recursos com sucesso✔️
- Aplicativo para cortar música
Clique em comprar e cancele
Hack Features:
- High Damage
- High Defense
- High HP
Integrado com o YTMusicUltimate
• Reprodução em segundo plano
• Sem anúncios
• Suporta o idioma árabe
• Os recursos devem ser ativados nas configurações da ferramenta
Pacote com vpn incluso
Aplicativo de alarme inteligente
Recursos completos
Pressione comprar e depois cancele
لتشغيل اشتراكات iptv وقوائم تشغيل m3u
من افضل التطبيقات في هذا المجال ✅
O aplicativo foi atualizado
Surf no Metrô ✅
Recursos da nova atualização ✅
•Sem a ferramenta iGameGod
•Todas as residências estão abertas
•Chaves infinitas
• Ouro infinito
Versão do aplicativo
Aplicativo destinado para fazer Jailbreak
لعبه GTAIII مهكره
المميزات :
• نقود غير محدودة 💵
• ذخيره غير محدوده 🔫
• طاقه متجددة 🔋
• مدفوعة بالآب ستور 💰
* تنبيه ⚠️
النسخة تدعم ios 16.0 وأعلى
وكذلك تدعم من أيفون XS 📱
تطبيق Tor Browser
عباره عن تطبيق لتصفح المواقع الالكترونية
مع امكانية تفعيل الـ vpn ..
المميزات :
تفعيل مميزات PRO
{ إضغط شراء ثم إلغاء }
يحتاج شهادة تدعم تطبيقات الـvpn
لعبة Pokemon GO مهكره
المميزات :
• هاك تغيير الموقع 🗺
• تمكين العثور على البوكيمونات ✅
• إزالة العناصر غير المرغوب فيها👍
• السفر في غضون ثواني🧳
• حظر البوكيمونات غير اللامعة⭐️
• هاك رؤية البوكيمونات البعيدة عنك✅
تطبيق Atlas
مُفيد لطلاب لطلبه الطب
لأنه عبارة عن تشريح للجسد البشري
وطريقة عمله بشكل واضح
احصل على المحتوى المرئي التفاعلي
ثلاثي الأبعاد الذي تحتاجه للتعرف على جسم الإنسان وكذلك نماذج ثلاثية الأبعاد كاملة
المميزات :
• تطبيق مدفوع بالابستور 💸
لعبه Power Slap مهكره
اخر اصدار : v0.4.4
المميزات :
* عملات غير محدودة
* عمليات شراء مجانية داخل التطبيق
[ قم بالتبديل عبر iGMenu ]
-Gangstar IV
nova atualização: (v.6.9.1)
Jogo Gangstar Vegas
* Moedas infinitas 💵
*Não há policiais 👮♀️
* Munição infinita/sem recarga 🔫
(É necessário reiniciar o jogo após comprar uma nova arma e habilitá-la no menu antes de carregar no jogo)
Alerta ⚠️
Desligue o WiFi antes de jogar
جلبريك Dopamine 2.0
جلبريك Rootless
يدعم Sileo & Zebra
الاصدارات و الاجهزة المدعومة :
من ايفون 13 الى 14 Pro Max
ios15.0 - ios16.5
من ايفون Xs الى ايفون 12 Pro Max
ios 15.0 - 16.5.1
من ايفون X و اقل
ios15.0 - ios16.6.1
Um aplicativo para editar fotos e vídeos com todos os recursos.
Abra uma conta no aplicativo
Para ativar os recursos.
O aplicativo foi atualizado
Tropeço galera ✅
Recursos da nova atualização ✅
Jogo Stumble Guys
- Todos os movimentos estão abertos
- Todos os passos estão abertos
- Todas as animações estão desbloqueadas
- Toque automático
- Acelere o jogador
Versão do aplicativo
برنامج Adobe للتعديل وإنشاء الشعارات والمنشورات مع كامل المزايا .
للمسح الضوئي
بواسطة الايفون.
طبيق PDF Expert
الافضل دائماً لتحرير مستندات و ملفات الـ PDF
التطبيق نسخة كاملة ( PRO ) ✅
تطبيق Power PDF Pro
اخر اصدار : v9.86
تطبيق قوي لإنشاء مستندات PDF وتعديلها
المميزات :
* مدفوع بالابستور 💵
Para remover o plano de fundo e criar imagens profissionais
Ativando todos os recursos..
O aplicativo foi atualizado
Fotomador ✅
Recursos da nova atualização ✅
Aplicativo Pixelmator Foto
Pago pela Appstore
Um dos aplicativos mais poderosos para edição de fotos
Versão do aplicativo
É o software de edição de fotos mais popular, especializado em gerenciamento de fotos digitais.
O Adobe Photoshop Lightroom se concentra na edição de fotos, oferecendo uma variedade de ferramentas que corrigem e otimizam suas fotos de forma rápida e fácil, com filtros, tags, geolocalização e mais ferramentas 🎇
Recursos Abertos Premio ✅
لعبه DEAD TRIGGER مهكره
المميزات :
* ذخيرة لانهائية 🔫
* بدون تحديث 🆙
* متجر مجاني (اشتري أشياء بدون مال) 🆓
* طاقة متجددة 🔋
* لا انتشار ☑️
لعبه Drift مهكره
المميزات :
* 16,777215 نقد
لعبه PvZ 3 مهكره
المميزات :
* تجميد الشمس ☀️
* تجميد الأغذية النباتية 🌳
* تجميد الترقيات 🔝
* لا تباطوء ✅
لعبه Need for Speed Most Wanted مهكره
المميزات :
* نقود غير محدودة 💵
[ اربح البعض لتحصل على مبلغ غير محدود ]
* جميع السيارات غير مقفلة 🏎
[ لن يتم فتح سيارات NFS Edition ]
* عدم اهتزاز الكاميرا 📷
[ سيتم تعطيل الكاميرا من الاهتزاز عند التعطل ]
* لا توجد حواجز على الطرق 🚧
[ سيتم تعطيل حواجز الطرق من الظهور ]
* نقاط سرعة غير محدودة 🔴
* طاقة متجددة
* ذخيرة غير محدودة [ لن تنخفض ]
* القدرة على التحمل غير المحدودة
[ ستنخفض ولكن لا يزال بإمكانك استخدامها ]
لعبه APEX Racer مهكره
المميزات :
* عملات غير محدودة 🪙
لعبه Hunting Sniper مهكره
المميزات :
* خصم غبي 😬
* الفوز التلقائي 🏆
لعبه Manager مهكره
المميزات :
* أموال غير محدودة 💰 game
- New custom macro speed
- New custom macro speed
- New Key Partition Button Indicators
- New cell meter
- A new integration time split
- Total Block NEW UI Modifications
- New X macro button
- Y NEW macro button
- New macro button size
- New X main split button
- Main split button Y NEW
- New main split button size
• A vida ilimitada não diminuirá
Não funciona com a vida do campeonato ♾
• A vida ilimitada no jogo não diminuirá
• Sem fantasmas 🧟♀️
Isso permitirá que você passe por fantasmas
Sem morrer
• Sem anúncios 📣
جيلبريك انكفر يدعم من الاصدار ١١ الى 14.8
ملاحظات :
في هذا التحديث يدعم من 14.6 الى 14.8 من ايفون XS الى ايفون 11 برو فقط
حاليا لا يدعم الاصدار من 14.4 الى 14.5.1
أجهزة ايفون 12 و 13 يدعم فقط الى 14.3
أجهزة ايفون اكس وتحت يدعم فقط الى 14.3
تنبيه : المتجر غير مسؤول عن مشاكل الجيلبريك
جيلبريك اودسي يدعم من الاصدار ١٣ الى ١٣.٧
تنبيه : المتجر غير مسؤول عن مشاكل الجيلبريك
جيلبريك Taurine يدعم من الاصدار 14 الى 14.3 يستخدم سيلو وليس السيديا
تنبيه : المتجر غير مسؤول عن مشاكل الجيلبريك
جيلبريك كاميرا يدعم من الاصدار 12.2 الى الاصدار 12.5.5
تنبيه : المتجر غير مسؤول عن مشاكل الجيلبريك
The first application for file management
• All features are open
مدفوع علي ابل ستور 💵
المميزات :
* استخدام غير محدود للنيترو / عدم نفاد النيترو مطلقًا
É o software de edição de fotos mais popular, especializado em gerenciamento de fotos digitais.
O Adobe Photoshop Lightroom se concentra na edição de fotos, oferecendo uma variedade de ferramentas que corrigem e otimizam suas fotos de forma rápida e fácil, com filtros, tags, geolocalização e mais ferramentas 🎇
Recursos Abertos Premium ✅
عملات لا نهائية بدون حقوق
• تثبيت السلاح
• ذخيرة غير محدودة
• زيادة معدل السلاح
It is an integrated browser for video sites.
And download videos to watch offline and lots of features
• No ads 📣
[ To activate, press buy and then cancel ]
-Special application to follow sports activities
Activating Premium features
It's ⚠
Click Buy and Cancel ✔
• البناء بدون العناصر المطلوبة .
• تكرار اي عنصر للحصول على المزيد من الادوات .
• حماية من الباند .
• ترقية الادوات بدون العناصر المطلوبة.
• سلاح لانهائي .
• نقاط مهارة غير محدودة .
• تدميج .
عملات غير محدودة
جواهر غير محدودة
• Free equipment upgrade
• Free merchant store
• Free Mystic store
• Free sliver shop
• Free video store
• Don’t wake up the cost of dust
• No ascending requirements
• Requirements do not evolve
- جرعات لامحدودة .
- مانا لامحدودة .
- لايوجد مؤقت لاستخدام الجرعة .
- لا يوحد مؤقت للمرحلة .
- اللاعب لا يتضرر .
- تجميد العدو .
تطبيق تصوير للمحترفين
قيمته بالآبستور: 24.99 ريال
- تطبيق للتعديل على الصور ، مع كامل المزايا .
- Infinite Cash
عملات لامحدودة .
- Infinite Moves
- Infinite Booster
- Infinite Lives
Hack Features:
- Infinite Lives
- Freeze Boosters
Bazaart app
To edit photos and videos
• Fully open Premium version ✅
من افضل التطبيقات لتحسين جودة الصورة والتعديل عليها
- مفتوح المميزات
Application to decompress files
Paid application in Apple Store..
Best app for walking, calculating steps and calories
Full Copy Modified App (PRO) ✅
Sonic Arcade Version 🕹
Brawl stars game is notable
• Unlimited jewels 💎
• Unlimited gold ⚱️
• Private server ✅
• Friendly battle members will know who has disabled the chat💬
(This player will have an icon 🔇 especially after his nickname)
• Fixed accuracy for player stats 📇
(Killings, deaths and damage at the end of the battle)
• Player stats will be saved and shown in the replay💳
Infinite Gold (Spent Some / Get Some)
Infinite Money (Spent Some / Get Some)
Infinite layer
Aplicativos de filme em português dublado
- Arena Polígono
nova atualização: (v.0.510)
Jogo Polygon Arena hackeado
* Mostre apenas jogadores reais, não bots 🤺
* Munição ilimitada 🔫
*Um golpe mata 🥊
* Aumento da taxa de tiro 🧨
* Aumente a assistência de mira 🎯
- An application to follow the number of fasting hours and the estimate of the daily need for drinking water, with full benefits.
تطبيق iXpenseIt Pro مدفوع
اخر اصدار : v9.9.14
تطبيق يبسط لك تتبع النفقات اليومية والميزانية الشهرية
المميزات :
* مدفوع بالابستور 💵
لعبه Galaxy Swirl مهكره
المميزات :
* طاقة متجددة 🔋
* هجوم سريع 💨
لعبه Idle Inn Empire
المميزات :
* يمكن تحمل الذهب
* يمكن تحمل الأحجار الكريمة
* لا طلبات للإنفاق
* بدون إعلانات
لعبه junkworld من العاب الأركيد 🕹
- Moedas ilimitadas ✔️
- Sem anúncios ❌
- Ative a assinatura Premium 👑
تطبيق Video Compress
تطبيق لظغط حجم مقاطع الفيديو بنفس الجودة
المميزات :
* مدفوع بالابستور 💵
O aplicativo foi atualizado
Força Bala ✅
Recursos da nova atualização ✅
• Radar Hack mostra todos os inimigos ⭕️
• Anti-Flash ⚡️
• Veja sinais inimigos atrás das paredes 💢
• Sem recuo da arma 🔫
Versão do aplicativo